
The Center for Civil Initiatives (CCI) is a Croatian, non-governmental and not-for-profit organisation established in 1998 in response to an increased need for community development in small urban and rural communities of central and northern Croatia, in particular in those experiencing post-war return of population. The association was entered in the Associations Register of the Republic of Croatia on 16 July 1998 under the registration number 00000981. To view the Statutes of the association, click here:

We are working on the Croatian territory.

The highest body of the association is the Assembly, meeting once a year and consisting of all association members. The Management Board includes 5 members and meets at least once in three months, or more often if necessary.

President of the Association and members of the Board are elected at the term of 4 years.


CCI primjenjuje sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u procesima usmjerenim organizacijama civilnog društva, dionicima lokalne zajednice i inicijativama građana.

Nove objave



CCI primjenjuje sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u procesima usmjerenim organizacijama civilnog društva, dionicima lokalne zajednice i inicijativama građana.

Program regionalnog razvoja civilnoga društva