
Briga za zdravlje u sedam dana

Centar za civilne inicijative je u sklopu projekta “Trenutak sa mnom”, koji je proveden u Karlovcu tijekom Tjedna pozitivne energije, pripremio i tiskao brošuru namijenjenu osobana treće životne dobi, u kojoj mogu pronaći praktične savjete o prehrani, vitaminima i mineralima u svakodnevnoj prehrani te jelovnik za sedam dana, a također je pridodan dio s jednostavnim i primjenjivim...


Ecumenical Women’s Initiative as a part of its program of giving support announced a new public call for entering new project propositions in the field of:
– Peacebuilding and reconciliation
– Women human rights
– Ecumenical dialogue and cooperation among religions and worldviews
For more informations look here

Announced vacancies for the Association of Veterans in 2014

Department of Veterans announced three projects for financing projects and programs of the Veterans Association. 1. Psychological and social empowerment and improving the quality of life of the Croatian war veterans with disabilities, disabled war veterans (HRVI), victims and family members of deceased, captured or missing Croatian Veteran from Homeland War 2. Promoting the values of the Homeland...

Women Group, called „Korak“, invites to participating in their project

WGK “Korak” has started with the implementation of a new project funded by the EU through the European Social Fund, which aims to improve the status of women in the local community. If you are unemployed, you already do or would like to do agricultural work, or you are looking for a job or thinking about becoming self-employed – join our project. We offer training for job search and soft skills...


CCI primjenjuje sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u procesima usmjerenim organizacijama civilnog društva, dionicima lokalne zajednice i inicijativama građana.

Nove objave



CCI primjenjuje sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u procesima usmjerenim organizacijama civilnog društva, dionicima lokalne zajednice i inicijativama građana.

Program regionalnog razvoja civilnoga društva