Pursuant to Art. 11 of the Associations Act (Official Gazette No. 88/2001) and Art. 23 of the Center’s Statutes, the Assembly of the Center for Civil Initiatives, held on 1 December 2008, adopted the following:
Article 1
These Statutes regulate: the name and registered head office of the Center for Civil Initiatives, field of activity, representation, goals and activities aimed at achieving them, publicity and the modalities of ensuring publicity, membership of the Association, internal organisation, formation or accession to association unions or federations and membership of international associations, Association bodies, assets of the Association, management of earnings, termination of the Association and other issues as provided by law.
Article 2
The name of the Association shall be Centar za Civilne Inicijative (hereinafter: the Association).In addition to the name in the Croatian language, the Association shall have a name in the English language which shall be used in contacts with international actors: Center for Civil Initiatives.
The abbreviated name of the Association shall be: CCI.
Article 3
The Association shall have a registered head office in the City of Zagreb.
Decisions on the change of address shall be adopted by the Management Board.
Article 4
The Association shall have a symbol. The Association’s symbol shall consist of the initial letters of the Association («CC»), whilst the letter «I», standing for „Initiatives“, shall be represented by the stylised image of a human being. Two additional stylised images of human beings shall be added to the initial letters which represent the Association’s name, evoking the concept of community.
Article 5
The Association shall have a seal. It shall be round in shape, with a diameter of 35 milimeters, and contain the name of the Association and its registered head office.
The Association shall have a stamp, quadrangular in shape, containing the name and address of the Association.
Article 6
The Association shall be a legal entity, which status shall be acquired by entry in the Register of Associations kept by the City Office of General Administrative Affairs.
The activities of the Association shall cover the territory of the Republic of Croatia.
Article 7
The Association President shall act on behalf of and represent the Association. S/he shall also have the authority to sign all documents of the Association. In the case of his/her abscence, s/he shall delegate his/her authority to the person acting as replacement.
Article 8
The goals of the Association shall include:
- encouragement of development and strengthening of local communities;
- raising public awareness of the role of civil society organisations;
- strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations;
- promotion of the concept of active citizens’ involvement in the life of their communities and provision of support to civil initiatives;
- promotion of cross-sectoral cooperation within society;
- active contribution to the development of rural communities.
Article 9
In order to achieve the goals specified in Art. 8 of these Statutes, the Association shall perform the following activities:
- provision of support to civil society organisations through seminars, workshops, lectures, individual consultancy and similar activities faciliating the development and sustainability of such organisations – free of charge, as provided by law;
- encouragement of cooperation, mutual assistance and linkages between associations;
- informing the public of the challenges facing civil society organisations in order to facilitate their activities and development;
- encouragement of citizens’ active involvement in socially beneficial actions and citizens’ volunteerism;
- organisation of lectures, exhibitions, creative and educational workshops;
- organisation of volunteer exchange;
- organisation of fairs and other public events in local communities, aimed at promoting rural development;
- implementation and coordination of rural development projects;
- encouragement of the protection and promotion of traditional crafts;
- publication of books, magazines and brochures that contribute to the development of the non-profit sector;
- participation in domestic and international meetings, seminars and similar events associated with the activities of the non-profit sector;
- performance of other relevant activities conducive to the achievement of the Association’s goals, as provided by law.
Article 10
The activities of the Association shall be open to the public.
Public insight into the Association’s activities shall be achieved through the publication of a bulletin, discussion meetings, web-site and public media.
The Association shall keep its members informed at Assembly meetings, and, between such meetings, through the Association’s bulletin, informative meetings etc.
Activities at meetings of the Association’s bodies shall be public. As an exception, it shall be possible to exclude the public where individual rights of Association members or/and employees are on the agenda.
Article 11
Member status within the Association shall be open to legally competent nationals of the Republic of Croatia and legal entities based in the Republic of Croatia and interested in participating in the activities of the Association or in providing assistance, provided that they accept the Statutes and other general rules and by-laws of the Association.
Foreigners and foreign legal entities may also become Association members, as provided by these Statutes and law.
Representatives of legal entities within the Association shall be appointed by the person authorised to represent the respective legal entity.
The membership of the Association shall consist of full and honorary members.
The Association shall maintain a list of members. The custody of the member list shall be entrusted to the President of the Association.
Article 12
The rights and obligations of full members shall include:
- participation in the activities of the Association or provision of assistance to the Association;
- electing or being elected to the bodies of the Association;
- acting in a way to promote the values of the Association and contribute to the development and public good standing of the Association;
- observance of laws, the Statutes, rules and by-laws of the Association;
- familiarity with the activities of the Association.
Article 13
Full membership of the Association shall be achieved by voluntary accession, that is, by signing the membership form.
- The status of Association member shall terminate:
- by leaving the membership;
- by exclusion.
Article 14
An Association member who acts contrary to the provisions of these Statutes or discredits the Association may be reprimanded or excluded by the Management Board, depending on the severity of misconduct.
Members may file with the Assembly of the Association an appeal against the decision of the Management Board within 15 days from receiving the decision. The Assembly shall decide on the appeal within 30 days from receiving the appeal.
Article 15
Honorary membership of the Association shall be open to legally competent nationals of the Republic o Croatia and legal entities based in the Republic of Croatia.
Honorary membership of the Association shall also be open to foreign natural persons and legal entities whose support and activity contribute to the good standing and development of the Association.
Proposals for honorary membership may be filed by any Association member. Decisions on such proposals shall be adopted by the Management Board.
Article 16
The Association may join federations, networks and unions of associations.
The Association may join the membership of international associations.
Decisions on associating or joining the respective membership shall be adopted by the Management Board.
Article 17
The Association may establish organisational units – branch offices – which shall not have the capacity of legal entities.
Branch offices shall be established with the purpose of providing assistance to civil society organisations in the respective region of the Republic of Croatia.
A decision on the establishment of a branch office and its registered address, as well as on the appointment of a person authorised to represent the branch office, shall be adopted by the Management Board.
Article 18
In order to perform professional, administrative, financial and other operations, the Association may conclude employment contracts or piece work contracts with professionals, depending on the type, scope and duration of required work.
Article 19
Association members shall manage the Association directly at Assembly meetings and through representatives elected to other bodies of the Association.
Article 20
The Association shall have the following bodies: Association Assembly, Association President, and Management Board of the Association.
The President and the Management Board shall be answerable to the Assembly.
Article 21
The Assembly shall be the highest body of the Association. It shall consist of all Association members.
The Assembly shall operate through meetings. Meetings may be regular or extraordinary. Regular Assembly meetings shall be held once in two years.
Extraordinary Assembly meetings shall be called when requested by the Management Board, or by a minimum of 10% of Association members.
Assembly meetings shall be called by the Association President no later than eight days prior to the meeting.
Assembly meetings shall be conducted by the Association President.
Article 22
The Assembly shall adopt valid decisions by a simple majority of all full members.
The Assembly shall adopt decisions by a simple majority of attendant members.
Article 23
The Assembly shall use regular meetings in order to:
- adopt Statutes and amendments to the Statutes;
- confirm the strategic document of the Association;
- adopt the activity report and financial report for the preceding period;
- appoint and remove Management Board members;
- appoint and remove the Association President;
- consider activity reports from the Management Board and evaluate its work;
- decide on the termination of the Association;
- perform other tasks as provided by these Statutes.
Article 24
The Association President shall manage the operations of the Association as provided by law, the Statutes, rules and by-laws of the Association, and in line with the decisions of the Assembly and the Management Board.
The Association President shall be responsible for the legality of the Association’s activities.
S/he shall act on behalf of and publicly represent the Association.
Article 25
The Association President shall be appointed for a four-year term and be eligible for reappointment.
The Association President shall submit to the Management Board a four-year activity plan and a financial plan for the Association. Subsequently, the Management Board shall refer them to the Assembly for adoption.
Article 26
The President shall conduct the hiring procedure for the Association, subject to the establishment of an Employee Selection Commission. Such three-member Comission shall consist of one member of the Management Board and two Association members. From amongst themselves, the members shall appoint the Chairman of the Employee Selection Commission.
Article 27
The Management Board shall consist of five members. The members shall be appointed for a four-year term and be eligible for reappointment.
Article 27
A legally competent national of the Republic of Croatia and a legal entity based in the Republic of Croatia whose contribution to the Association stands out for expertise, diligence and responsibility may become members of the Management Board. A foreign national and representative of a foreign legal entity who stand out for their past activity, diligence and support to the Association may also become members of the Management Board, as provided by these Statutes and law.
Article 28
A Management Board member who does not fulfil his/her obligations under the Statutes, or does not fulfil them to a satisfactory level, or whose activity harms the reputation of the Association, may be removed from the Board.
The decision on the removal of the respective member shall be rendered by the Assembly upon proposal from a minimum of 10% of Association members or other Management Board members.
An Assembly meeting shall be called within eight days from the date the removal request is submitted. At the same meeting, i.e. the one deciding on the removal, the Assembly shall appoint a new Management Board member. His/her term of office shall last until the expiry of the term of office of the former member.
Where the complete Management Board is removed, the term of office of the new Management Board shall start anew from the day of appointment.
Article 29
Management Board meetings shall be called and conducted by its Chairperson, whom the members shall elect from amongst themselves.
Technical assistance to the Management Board Chairperson shall be provided by the Association President, who shall also call Management Board meetings where required.
Management Board meetings shall take place as needed, at least once a year.
The decisions of the Management Board shall be valid if the relevant meeting is attended by at least three members. Decisions shall be adopted by a majority vote of attendant members.
Article 30
The Management Board shall:
- develop activity strategies for the Association, propose strategic directions to the Assembly and identify the Association’s strategic fields of activity;
- together with the Association President, it shall submit to the Assembly draft Statutes and amendments to the Statutes;
- implement the decisions of the Assembly;
- propose to the Assembly the development of projects and programmes within the scope defined under the Strategic Directions of the Association;
- propose to the Assembly application to donor tenders and identify new donors;
- publicly promote the Association’s goals;
- consider and submit to the Assembly activity reports and financial reports of the Association for the respective period;
- safeguard the assets of the Association, raise funds and manage their spending, and decide on the manner in which earnings are invested in order to carry out and improve the activities of the Association;
- adopt the by-laws of the Association;
- perform other tasks as provided by these Statutes.
The Management Board shall be liable for the successful implementation of the activity programme and development of the Association in line with strategic commitments.
Prior to the adoption of decisions particularly important for the functioning and development of the Association, the Management Board may call an Assembly meeting in order to consult members.
Article 31
The assets of the Association shall include: cash, movable property and property rights.
The Association shall acquire assets in the following ways: donations, grants, sponsorships, voluntary contributions, gifts, organisation of games of chance, concerts, exhibitions, promotional sale, and performance of activities which the Association may legaly carry out: organisation of seminars, lectures, publishing activity as provided by special regulations, and from other sources as provided by law.
Article 32
The Association shall be liable for its obligations with all its assets.
Earnings generated by the Association through admissible activities shall be used by the Association for the performance and improvement of its activities aimed achieving the goals of the Association.
The Association may establish a company. Such company’s profits shall be used in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article.
Article 33
In the case that the Association is terminated, the property of the association shall not be distributed among the members of the association or transferred to any profit-making organisation, but it shall be fully transferred to some other not-for-profit association or foundation pursuing similar goals.
The Assembly shall adopt a special Resolution determining the not-for-profit association or foundation to which the property of the association is to be transferred.
Article 34
These Statutes shall come into force on the day of their adoption.
Association President:
Mirela Despotović