OCD support

Projects under implementation:

1. „STRONG platform (Strengthening Organizational Networks’ Gaps)“

Project funded by the EU under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

Programme: European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS)
Implementing the project: Centre for Civic Initiatives
Partners: Network of Associations of Krapina-Zagorje County
Target groups:
Associations that represent minority
Associations representing people with disabilities
Youth Association
Organizations that operate for the benefit of children and young people
Informal networks of associations
Formal networks of associations
Area of implementation: Krapina-Zagorje
Duration: December 2010. – December 2012th
Project Budget: 81 560.00 Euro


Project Summary

Objectives of the project: To improve the operation of existing and less sustainable networks of associations as well as create new models for networking in Croatia. In doing so, we will determine the characteristics of organizations that work with vulnerable groups and develop a methodology for continuous self-empowerment of new and existing networks of fragile societies.

Organizations that operate for the benefit of vulnerable population groups: people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, children and young people and youth associations in the field of Krapina-Zagorje and Karlovac counties will be invited to join the project. We expect that they will respond to approximately 60 organizations that will be over two years to have the opportunity to:
– establish its status as a developing civil society organizations
– Assess your influence within the community
– Assess your relationships with the public and the media
And after that, access to systematic training in these three areas.

Through printed newsletters, project brochures and radio jingles association will gradually develop its influence in the community and the public perception and the evolving capacity of over two years to form a platform of associations that work with vulnerable population groups – “the STRONG platform”.

Association will, through the “STRONG Platform ” develop a method of self-monitoring and self-assessment stage of development which will be published in the manual for the association and distributed to 300 addresses of associations in the target area. In this way, many organizations will have a handy guide that will reduce the number of questions and concerns as well as wandering from office to office with always the same issues.

Groups that work with vulnerable groups in both counties targeted for the end of the project will make a film about his activities, which will be shown on two local film festivals dokumantarnih: Tabor Film Festival and the Four River Festival.

This project is financed by EU funds, the project is implemented by  the Center for Civic Initiatives, in partnership with the Network of Krapina-Zagorje County and the County of Krapina-Zagorje.

2. Regional program e-misija

E-misija is a capacity building program for CSOs in central part of CRoatia.

Two organisations in partnership: Center for Civil Initiatives – CCI from Zagreb and Association for Promotion of IT, Culture and Coexistence – IKS from Petrinja provide information, advice and education in order to assist Sisak-Moslavina, Karlovac, Krapina-Zagorje and Zagreb Counties, and the City of Zagreb

The target región covers  26 towns and  80 municipalities.

The goals under this regional Programme are:

  • identification of new methods of knowledge transfer to civil society organisations,
  • more efficient needs assessment for civil society organisations and
  • appropriate response to the needs identified among CSO’s in central Croatia.

The above goals were chosen because it was established that, over the past 15 years, there had been a large number of foreign and domestic organisations that provide some sort of creative educational services through workshops, encouraging CSO’s to implement new approaches to management and organisation, motivating them to new methods of fundraising and income generation through their own activities, whilst only a few have been concerned with the characteristics of our country, our mentality, way of thinking and approach to community problems as well as to their solution. Therefore, one of the primary intentions was to adjust the services of the Programme to the actual needs on site.

Four distance learning lessons and 2 articles on community development and volunteerism have been put on the E-misija website


In order to avoid training which is not needed or required, all workshops respond to actual needs identified through comprehensive needs analysis. In this way, a great number of workshops have been conducted (88 in the last theree-year period) in as many as 12 towns and municipalities in the four targeted Counties and The Town of Zagreb.

In selecting communities for workshops, priority is given to those which are more remote, isolated and have fewer possibilities for contacts, networking and education. This probably translates into a lower number of workshop participants than in larger regional centres. However, it is in such communities that particular investment in individuals and groups is required so they can adopt the role of those who set activites in motion and support other initiatives.

Also, in the majority of cases, CSO’s in small towns and municipalities have no employees, and it is difficult for their volunteers to be absent from work in order to participate in workshops. Hence, it was highly important to provide educational programmes for all members of CSO’s. In response to these facts, a distance learning programme was organised in order to provide maximum knowledge and skills for all those requiring them at any time.

Program e-misija covers the following services:

Information:  daily, via e-mail, telephone,  web page and individually in person in offices in  Zagreb, Karlovac, Ozalj and GVozd.

Counseling: daily via e-mail and telephone, in person in our office sor other places upon request

Workshops and training:  organized according to the assessed needs in places which are the closest to the most CSOs.

Inovtive approach of the program E-misija to the CSOs:

The regional E-misija programme promotes new learning methods. For a four-year now, distance learning has been available at www.e-misija.info.

Two partner organisations include a total of seven employees who provide three types of services: information, advice and education, systematically supported by the National Foundation as supporter. In terms of regular daily working time, four individuals work on a 1/5-basis, two work half-time and one person works on a 3/4-basis.


CCI primjenjuje sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u procesima usmjerenim organizacijama civilnog društva, dionicima lokalne zajednice i inicijativama građana.

Nove objave



CCI primjenjuje sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u procesima usmjerenim organizacijama civilnog društva, dionicima lokalne zajednice i inicijativama građana.

Program regionalnog razvoja civilnoga društva